• DarkThoughts@fedia.io
    5 months ago

    It’s such an emotional topic that people lose all rationale. I remember the Reddit arguments in the comment sections about pedos, already equalizing the term with actual child rapists, while others would argue to differentiate because the former didn’t do anything wrong and shouldn’t be stigmatized for what’s going on in their heads but rather offered help to cope with it. The replies are typically accusations of those people making excuses for actual sexual abusers.

    I always had the standpoint that I do not really care about people’s fictional content. Be it lolis, torture, gore, or whatever other weird shit. If people are busy & getting their kicks from fictional stuff then I see that as better than using actual real life material, or even getting some hands on experiences, which all would involve actual real victims.

    And I think that should be generally the goal here, no? Be it pedos, sadists, sociopaths, whatever. In the end it should be not about them, but saving potential victims. But people rather throw around accusations and become all hysterical to paint themselves sitting on their moral high horse (ironically typically also calling for things like executions or castrations).