Just this guy, you know?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • If somebody wanted to draw animated kiddie porn they could still do that. How far would you go until you ban crayons

    It’s genuinely impressive how completely you missed my point.

    How about another analogy: US federal law allows people to own individual firearms, but not grenades.

    But they’re both things that kill people, right? Why would they be treated differently?

    Hint: it’s about scale.

    The same is true of pipe bombs. But anyone can make a pipe bomb. Genie is out of the bottle, right? So why are there laws regulating manufacture and ownership of them? Hmm…

  • And how many times have you made this comment, only to have it pointed out that there is a big fucking difference between a human manually creating fake images via Photoshop at human speed using human skills, versus automating the process so it can be done en masse at the push of a button?

    Because that’s a really big fucking difference.

    Think: musket versus gatling gun. Yeah, they both shoot bullets, but that’s about where the similarity ends.

    Is the genie out of the bottle at this point? Probably.

    But to claim this doesn’t represent a massive shift because Photoshop? Sorry but that’s at best naive, and it’s starting to get exhausting seeing this “argument” trotted out repeatedly by AI apologists.

  • Your first two paragraphs make the picture worse, not better.

    As for your last, I’m not writing an economics thesis. It was a quick analysis to illustrate a problem no sane person disputes: streaming services have substantially driven down revenue for artists, to the point that for many it’s genuinely impossible to create their art while making a living wage.

    Is it better than piracy? Sure. At least the artists are getting something (well, unless you drop below Spotify’s streaming cutoff, in which case you can get fucked). But it’s still a shitty deal and gives consumers someone else to blame as artists slowly bleed out.