I don’t read my replies

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Reading through these comments it seems that many lemmings have wildly optimistic ideals about ethics in the “true crime” genre of documentaries.

    Even for sincere documentarians, presenting unvarnished history accurately and completely is an impossibility. For the bad-faith actors, you’d be amazed at how much is outright staged or otherwise faked. The only rule is that it be entertaining.

    As far as “true crime”, the question of “should we even make this” is pretty ethically fraught. True crime is cheap, popular, and stuffed to the brim with hacks and bad faith actors.

  • You say that belief in an “obvious fairy tale shows a massive issue with critical thinking and cognitive ability” , but you can’t back that up because people who are smart and religious exist.

    I agree that believing in something phantasmagorical is a cognitive blind spot. But that’s so common criticizing others for it lacks self awareness. It’s normal to take some obviously symbolic, illusory, or non-existent things seriously: the law, borders, sovereignty, human rights, authority, hierarchy, language, logic, or math. Are you terrified of those willing to die for human rights?

  • Everyone thinks the US is a litigious society, but it’s the consequence of our political order. The lack of regulations are “compensated” by the right to tort. In many instances, there is no authority to enforce rights, only the ability to sue. The Americans with Disabilities Act works this way. (and there are many calling to remove that option, making the entire law theoretical)

    Of course, the idea is that lawsuits will discourage people from getting redress because of the high-bar to enter a case into the legal system. But that wasn’t enough, so the capitalists are trying to take that away too.

    There are few things more obscene under capitalism than a privatized court system.