They all have their quirks, but until airsonic-advanced catches up with the latest opensubsonic API, I’ve been trying out Audinaut, DSub, and Ultrasonic. I had to reorganize my whole library, though.
I’m not a fan of these album-based apps. most of my music falls under “Various Artists”. As such, I’ve been playing around with Musicbrainz Picard to try different tagging in an attempt to try to find something that works across both at the server and client end.
Subsonic doesn’t work for me, I’m guessing because it refuses to fall back to earlier versions of their API. I could be wrong.
I feel your pain. It seems these apps have been built by monolinguists, and the language preference/requirement you mentioned are more of an afterthought than, for example, quality/resolution preferences.
For subtitles, at least, a bilingual family needs to have two separate instances of bazaar.
Of course, that’s less than ideal when you start talking about two entire video files when all you want is an additional audio stream.
I’ll be checking back here hoping you’ll find a solution.