transgander (h o n k)
all hierarchies are unjust

I can’t upload a banner image so here you go

A trans pride flag with a sickle and hammer beneath a skull and crossbones

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024


  • I told you bro. I fuckin’ warned you.

    People have called me “paranoid” for years for pointing out that this kind of thing was going to happen, and it’s so much worse than I thought it would be but at least I’m vindicated.

    Tech companies will literally murder or enslave you if they think it would be good for their bottom line. We know that’s true because tech companies are murdering and enslaving people in the global south because it’s good for their bottom line. Stop giving them money. Stop buying wifi-enabled garbage that spies on you for the police state.

    Maybe it’s a good thing that people with entirely too much money are being forced to rock their own crying child instead of having a machine do it. Using robots to soothe your child is a Phillip K. Dick-esque dystopia. Obviously a crying child take a huge mental and physical health toll on everyone in a house, but in a country where poor people are being forced to give birth, maybe the rich people should have to suffer a little bit too.

  • A big issue with things like PFAs is that they bioaccumulate. They build up faster than the body can metabolize them. This increases the likelihood of toxicity because the level in your body just keeps building.

    There’s also biomagnification, which is where a substance (in this case PFAs) grow more concentrated in organisms higher in the food chain. It’s in everything. It’s in the things we eat, and it’s in the things they eat, and it’s in the things those things eat, all the way down.

    It doesn’t matter if things aren’t toxic now, because they will be given enough time.