Engineer and coder that likes memes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • That’s a bad take. Unless you get your knowledge purely from shady tutorials or have a fast track bootcamp education, it’s unlikely you never touch on security basics.

    I’m a software design undergrad and had to take IT Sec classes. Other profs also touched on how to safely handle dependencies and such.

    While IT Security is its own specialisation, blindly trusting source code others provide you with is something a good programmer shouldn’t do.

    If you need a metaphor: Just because a woodworker specialises in tables, doesn’t mean they can’t build a chair.

    Edit: Seems like my take is the bad one 😂

  • Valuable input! I actually am an undergrad student. There are a lot of frameworks out there that support writing languages, with MPS being one of them.

    If I’d start from scratch again and had a little more time, I’d frankly try writing an interpreter myself, instead of trying to conform to weird framework syntax, which I won’t be able to reuse in any other context.

    Saying syntax design is fiddly is an understatement. I focused very hard on getting an abstract syntax somehow finished before working on generation in my first iteration. Then I had so much technical debt, that I couldn’t get anything to work and had to rewrite a lot. So I scrapped it all and started again, starting with top level concepts including generation and only implementing some lower level ones, once everything around it worked properly.