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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I mean, that’s just how it has always worked, this isn’t actually special to AI.

    Tom Hanks does the voice for Woody in Toy Story movies, but, his brother Jim Hanks has a very similar voice, but since he isnt Tom Hanks he commands a lower salary.

    So many video games and whatnot use Jim’s voice for Woody instead to save a bunch of money, and/or because Tom is typically busy filming movies.

    This isn’t an abnormal situation, voice actors constantly have “sound alikes” that impersonate them and get paid literally because they sound similar.

    OpenAI clearly did this.

    It’s hilarious because normally fans are foaming at the mouth if a studio hires a new actor and they sound even a little bit different than the prior actor, and no one bats an eye at studios efforts to try really hard to find a new actor that sounds as close as possible.

    Scarlett declined the offer and now she’s malding that OpenAI went and found some other woman who sounds similar.

    Thems the breaks, that’s an incredibly common thing that happens in voice acting across the board in video games, tv shows, movies, you name it.

    OpenAI almost certainly would have won the court case if they were able to produce who they actually hired and said person could demo that their voice sounds the same as Gippity’s.

    If they did that, Scarlett wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in court, she cant sue someone for having a similar voice to her, lol.

  • There’s basically no reason to keep using windows.

    Debian or Linux Mint are both easy to install, work out of the box, and the only thing that might take a smidge of effort is the 3 commands you gotta run to install gpu drivers.

    Steam proton works incredibly well. I ran my entire steam library (most of which were “windows only” games) and even single one worked with proton as is without issues.

    I’ve been using steam link from my debian box for months now and it’s smooth as butter.

  • Well tbh Quests dont really bug you much about anything FB related. After you setup the account the only thing you deal with is the initial menu starts opened to the app store with suggestions based on what you already bought.

    But that initial menu let’s you also set quick access buttons for your favorite apps.

    So it’s only a single click to go from “put on headsst” to “open thing I want” usually.

    It’s not any different from steam starting you out in the store tbh, I can accept that level of advertising as it’s pretty transparent and half the time it has something of interest for me anyways.

    It’s about as big of a deal as a gift shop at a museum.

  • This seems like it has pretty powerful potential for space flight.

    Being able to aggressively min max packaging materials to secure materials could be critical for reducing payload sizes on shuttles, where every single individual gram counts.

    Each kg of packaging is thousands of dollars to get into orbit, so that’s really appealing.

    I’d be curious to see if Amazon is also working on box packing algorithms for maximizing fitting n parcels across x delivery trucks.

    IE if you have 10,00 boxes to move, what’s the fewest delivery trucks you can fit those boxes into as fast as possible too, which introduces multiple complex concepts. Both packing to maximize space usage and the order you pack it in to minimize armature travel time…

    I’d put money down amazon is perfecting this algorithm right now, and has been for awhile.

  • Nowadays it’s less of an issue with docker and whatnot.

    Just set the image to refresh every night at midnight and if they tried to make manual changes it’ll just revert back to its original state at midnight.

    Customers don’t really get direct access to deployed code now, it’s buried under like 4 layers of abstraction on most CDNs now.

    Simply deploying to azure already smears multiple layers of access control and RBAC overtop that it’s hard enough for me, the dev, to answer the question if “what is actually deployed atm?”, let alone for the customer to get in their and meddle.

  • Also people are glossing over the capability for it to improve sexual drive.

    The “my wife read a slightly spicy book today and now she wants to get it on” trope is well known on social media, AI’s ability to just generate whatever you want likely will boost that.

    However, at this time AI is unable to really handle pacing well.

    It’s pretty well known that most attempts with current uncensored LLMs tends to produce saucy encounters are… poorly paced.

    Good spicy novels have a lot of build up and slow pace, which requires remembering facts from many chapters ago.

    Even the top end of massive LLMs lack the memory capacity to last more than a handful of pages before they completely lose the thread.

    But hopefully this gets remedied eventually.

  • I’ve been calling this for awhile now.

    I’ve been calling it the Ouroboros effect.

    There’s even bigger parts at play the paper didn’t even dig into, and that’s selective bias dye to human intervention.

    See at first let’s say an AI has 100 unique outputs for a given prompt.

    However, humans will favor let’s say half of em. Humans will naturally regenerate a couple times and pick their preferred “cream of the crop” result.

    This will then ouroboros for an iteration.

    Now the next iteration only has say 50 unique responses, as half of them have been ouroboros’d away by humans picking the one they like more.

    Repeat, each time “half-lifing” the originality.

    Over time, everything will get more abd more sameish. Models will degrade on originality as everything muddles into corporate speak.

    You know how every corporate website uses the same useless “doesn’t mean anything” jargon string of words, to say a lot without actually saying anything?

    That’s how AI is going to local minima to, as it keeps getting selectively “bred” to speak in an appealing and nonspecific way for the majority of online content.

  • Not related to the article at all mate.

    This article is about how many plugins have Bern discovered to have implemented oath in a very insecure way and simply using them can expose your sensitive info you have linked to your chatgpt account.


    1. You connect your github account to your chatgpt account (so you can ask chatgpt questions about your private codebase)

    2. You install and use one of many other compromisable weakly implemented plugins

    3. Attacker uses the weak plugin to compromise your whole account and can now access anything you attached to your account, IE they can now access your private git repos you hooked up in step 1…

    Most of the attack vectors involve a basic (hard to notice) phish attack on weak oath urls.

    The tricky part is the urls truly are and look legit. It isn’t a fake url, it actually links to the legit page, but they added some query params (the part after the ? In the url) that compromise the way it behaves

  • Note that ChatGPT indeed implemented a state parameter, but their state was not a random value, and therefore could be guessed by the attacker.

    Bruh wut, rookie mistake.

    State is supposed to be mathematically random and should expire fairly quickly.

    I always have used a random guid that expires after 10-15 minutes for state, if they try and complete the oauth with an expired state value I reject ad ask them to try again.

    Also yeah the redirect uri trick is common, that’s why oath apis must always have a “whitelist urls” functionality. And not just domain, the whole url.

    That’s why when you make a Google api token you gotta specify what urls it’s valid for explicitly. That way any other different redirect uri gets rejected, to prevent an injection attack from a third party providing their own different redirect uri to a victim.

    Oath is pretty explicit about all these things in its spec. It really sucks people treat it as optional “not important” factors.

    It’s important. Do it. Always.

  • a country known for its bad treatment of women

    Making assumptions about someone/something based off its country of origin sounds pretty xenophobic to me.

    The robot didn’t “grope” a woman, it moved its hand as an animitronic, and she was clearly standing right next to it during its animations.

    The fact that was blatantly blown into “groping” abd the fact the article felt the need to repeat that it happened in Saudi repeatedly, over and over, should trip the xenophobia alarm.

    Consider if it was an article about how an animitronic robot that moved and knocked a man’s wallet out of his hand because he walked to close past it. I.agine if articles turned that into “Jewish made robot tries to steal man’s wallet!” Unironically.

    You’d probably look at that and go “yeah okay, that’s pretty fucked up, whyd the do that?” Right?