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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • It’s not that uncommon. When a beehive is doing really well, it’ll “split”, meaning they’ll raise a second queen and the new queen will leave and half of the colony will go with her to establish a new hive somewhere. This is called swarming, and it’s the their version of reproduction. (Tangent: Contrary to popular belief, honey bee swarms are usually very docile since they don’t yet have a home to defend.) Once they find a suitable location to settle, they’ll move in. Without humans building things, a suitable location would usually be something like an old hollowed out tree. But humans build great beehive homes. Old houses with small openings between siding panels that allow bees into the walls are a common favorite.

  • The free market also dies when unregulated companies destroy their competition to become monopolies, destroy the environment and enslave people.

    You’re correct in that when companies essentially own politicians and get regulations passed that help them do the above, like the system we seem to have now, then that’s a serious problem.

    The answer to that isn’t to get rid of regulations, though. An unregulated free market isn’t going to stop factories from dumping toxic waste into rivers or spewing it into the air. It’s not going to stop companies from paying employees slave wages. And it’s definitely not going to stop companies from using dirty tactics to drive out their competition and become monopolies, as you seem to be suggesting.

    A well regulated free market can both reward innovators that come up with new products or services that society values while also protecting the environment and the workers from exploitation, and ensuring healthy competition.

    That’s not the system we have now, for sure, but we’re absolutely not going to get there by getting rid of regulations. We need to yank control of the government (and thus the laws) away corporations and the wealthy and give it back to the people.


  • “With this outstanding landmark judgment, the ‘client-side scanning’ surveillance on all smartphones proposed by the EU Commission in its chat control bill is clearly illegal,” said Breyer.

    “It would destroy the protection of everyone instead of investigating suspects. EU governments will now have no choice but to remove the destruction of secure encryption from their position on this proposal – as well as the indiscriminate surveillance of private communications of the entire population!”

    I hope he’s right, but I’ll believe it when I see it.