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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • ‘My side’?

    This is a religious conflict in which both sides are wrong and evil.

    Reading your posts I think it’s pretty clear that it’s you that’s picked a side here that you want to defend. You want to defend it so badly you can’t look at a normal title of a news article anymore without getting angry that it’s not spinned how you’d want it.

  • The reason the Israeli airstrikes were cited as pre-emptive is that that adds important information, as in they were aimed at the sites that were about to launch the rockets

    Adding that the rocket attack was called retaliatory does not nearly add the same level of information, as everyone already knows what the strike was for and, at the very least, that nearly every strike in this conflict would be called ‘retaliatory’. Again, you’re pleading for stupid news for stupid people.

    Should they have added that it was Hezbollah that restarted this bloody back and forth in each and every title as well?

  • You can turn that around as well, as the attack Hezbollah was retaliating for was, in itself, retaliatory. Only calling Hezbollah’s attack would imply that they were retailating for a first strike attack (which, as we know from the playground, is the difference between right and wrong).

    The idea that each and every article, let alone the title, should encompass the entire conflict and, why not, the history of the Earth is very dumb and it just sounds like you want to see your own propaganda injected into what is basically normal and balanced journalism

  • Well let me start by saying that your take on the conflict is, again, very one sided. It’s history and how we got to this point is a lot more nuanced. That is a different discussion than the initial one but of course related.

    My take on that, in brief, comes down to both Arab nationalists/islamists and zionists/jews seeing around 1920 that it would eventually come to an armed conflict between the two religious sides, and both moving their mindset to remove the other from the territory. And it did come to an armed conflict, which one side won and the other lost.

    But even then, there is a lot of nuance as there was and is a spectrum between extremists and people who want to live in peace. Over time, violence from both sides has shifted that spectrum. A lot of people seem to have forgotten that it was not always like this, but up until the first intifada, someone from Gaza could just go visit their friends in the Kibbutz next door.

    And you can say that the blame for all this falls squarely on the zionists for slowly moving towards their goal, but I would counter that it also falls on the islamists: instead of a two-state solution, they chose to fight and lost. (Whether they were right to do this is yet another discussion.) But after they lost the military conflict(s), they then chose to never give up and continue to, as you say, antagonize Israel until the end of time. The friendly peaceful rocket attacks from Hezbollah are part of this. And the prospect of this neverending violence has greatly shifted and hardened the mindset on the moderate Israelis as well, which spiralled into the current situation.

    People like you who choose to go on these threads in an attempt to de-rail the whole conversations

    That’s because you (and a lot of other lemmings) expect these ‘converstations’ to be warm and simplistic, circlejerking how Israel is bad. Am I ‘derailing’ the conversation by stating the OP’s collage is idiotic? Their take that a strike cannot be called pre-emptive because they don’t like the side that did it is just very, very idiotic. And when I call people out for this idiocy, the argument shifts towards an even more idiotic one : “Hezbollah never planned an attack, that’s an Israeli lie”. When I point out that stupidity by refering to the chief of Hezbollah proudly proclaiming they executed an attack after they had planned it for a month, the conversation is derailed back towards the argument “why would you defend Israel?”.

    I don’t defend Israel, I’m defending the truth about the events from Sunday. I worry that people like yourself think it’s ok to lie about clear facts because they (probably) think it will make the world better.

  • Hezbollah is just as keen as Israel to keep their PR story straight wrt civilian victims.

    If you don’t ‘for a second’ believe the Israeli strike on Sunday was ‘pre-emptive’, what would you call it? Hezbollah planned a big rocket strike and Israeli jets tried bombing their launch sites half an hour before. As far as strikes go, it doesn’t really get more textbook ‘pre-emptive’ than that.

    If you believe Israel’s reactions aren’t necessary or justified, how would you suggest they react to Hezbollah firing rockets at them? Should they act like these rockets don’t exist? Do you think that if Israel never struck back, Hezbollah would just get tired of it over time and stop?