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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I don’t have experience with Twitter or Mastodon but it reminds me of time when I quit drinking.

    When I quit drinking and tried to stay around people I used to drink with, I realized really fast how pointless this “engagement” (really just two people speaking past each other, and feeling like they have deep conversation) is. It’s almost insulting what a waste of effort such an “engagement” can be.

  • That’s a noble goal but does adding more people help the (long-term only, please) effectiveness? At what point does it start hindering it?

    I would assume that someone like a pharmacist has to be focused all the time, stakes is high…

    Do we have precise data about how physiological state of a pharmacist is changing through the shift? Do we know whether or not the pauses between people – which we might or might not have considered a wasted time – are actually essential for their ability to stay focused and reliable? (Is the answer the same for all of them?) Or maybe they could actually still use part of that time in a productive way, right? Also, why is there lack of people in the first place?

    Focusing solely on adding more people to the equation seems to neglect factors like this. This tells me that whoever this factoid is trying to impress is not someone who I would want to trust with managing a pharmacy (or anything except maybe some production line) in the first place.

  • Even in areas where they would fit it’s really annoying how some companies are trying to push it down our throats.

    It’s always some obnoxious UI element, screaming at me their 3 example questions, and I always sigh and think, “I have to assume you can only answer these 3 particular questions, and why would I ask those questions, and when I ask UI questions I expect precise answers so would I want to use AI for that.”

    I have no doubt that LLM’s have more uses than I can think of, but come on…

    I’m happy for studies like this. People who are trying to smear their AI all over our faces need to calm, the f…k, down.