• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • No problem!

    Your thinking seems more insightful than mine.

    My reasoning that he is mainly after the money is that in the past year he has been paying a lot of legal fees and fines, while trying to run a campaign. He had his NFT collection which made him a quick buck to then immediately floor in value, same for trump media stocks - except they then skyrocketed again, and now flooring again. So… Just seems like something he’d do.

    The 2nd reason is that crypto is a very divisive topic with loads of people hating on it - including banks and some other financial institutions. I’d expect it’s a double edged sword for supporters, but maybe he’s gaining more from it than losing in terms of votes.

    Considering that it’s been a few days since he made his statement and there hasn’t been massive movement on BTC price, he’s either not influential enough to impact it or I was wrong.


  • Sorry, but I think you’re reading into my words something they didn’t say or imply. In fact I tried my best to avoid wording it in a way that implies crypto is a scam (because I don’t believe it myself).

    What you’ve quoted strictly implies 2 things:

    1. There are people who consider crypto a scam
    2. Everyone will regard crypto as a scam after trump’s future actions.

    The 2nd is definitely an exaggeration, but neither of them claim crypto is a scam only that it has an image that it is - which I maintain it does with a significant portion of people.

    I do think trump picked crypto as a target for his attention because it’s a volatile and under regulated market he may be able exploit to try to make money off of whoever listens to him. I hope I’m wrong though.

  • I didn’t say crypto was a scam, but it is regarded as a scam in general and as you said, it’s pretty easy to get scammed trading it or using it if you don’t know what you’re doing - which would definitely be true for anyone buying in on a public figure’s advice.

    It’s also an incredibly volatile market which is relatively easily influenced by large players without much regulation. If he does have the influence to manage to impact it, I am pretty sure he would happily take his gains from his followers. If he doesn’t, well let’s just hope all the people who buy in without any research don’t lose their money by selling as soon as the next crypto winter comes for a massive loss.

  • What I expect will happen: have his followers buy in at current high price point -> price goes higher -> him and his rich whale friends sell -> price goes down -> the people who just invested because he promised big stonks but realistically can’t afford to leave their money in for years panic and sell -> price goes down -> him and rich friends buy in again.

    Sure, it’s mostly his followers getting scammed, but if this does happen I can’t imagine them not vocally blaming BTC for losing their money - which would likely fuel the crypto is a scam narrative.

    Maybe his words are not influential enough to actually sway the price and nothing will come of it though, but based on the previous things he has done (his NFTs, the truth social stocks) if he has the opportunity to take money from his supporters, he certainly will.

  • Good point, thank you for pointing it out.

    Maybe a better way to phrase it is that a report from the investigator could qualify what they considered/found when they said the claims were false, baseless etc, and any evidence they found/data they had access to. (E.g. if they could look at all internal communication but their data retention policy is 6 months and this happened 7 months ago, its not the same as not finding anything)

    For example, “allegations of sexual harassment were ignored or not addressed” is a wide range. It could be there were no allegations recorded from the employee (as in, they weren’t reported), or they were addressed by a slap on the wrist or a “just don’t do that again” to introducing workplace behaviour training, forcing the perpetrator to go through it, suspending them without pay and so on.

    You are right it’s not proof of no wrongdoing, but it would serve as proof that they handled things in a generally suitable manner, rather than that they managed to twist things around to check a box for the investigator.

  • Yea idk.

    After having dealt with some audits (although not this exact topic), in general they followed the same format. “Assert that we do the thing we claim to be doing”. So if the thing they claim to be doing is a low bar, the audit means nothing. If they dont release any evidence, or a report of what they were ascertaining it means very little IMO.

    I can’t remember if the employee released any evidence with her claims either though, but in general I’d prefer my odds with assuming her story is closer to the truth against a company which has had other mishaps recently, underpinned by evidence. All of which they tried to brush under the carpet.

    So yeah. I’m pressing X for doubt.

  • Haven’t had any experience with eweka, but this is the reason why people tend to have multiple providers from different backbones and multiple indexers - to increase your chance for completion. Weirdly, eweka does not follow DMCA, but NTD which I’ve seen regarded as slower to take down content, so in theory the experience should be better, especially on fresh content.

    Your mileage will vary greatly depending on what indexers/providers you pick and unfortunately it’s very difficult to say whether it will reach your expectations until you try different options.

    If you’re willing to spend some more on it, you could try just looking for a small and cheap block account from a different backbone to see if it helps with the missing articles, but there are no guarantees.

  • Very difficult to predict the future, but my bet would be on no (to the in 20years question).

    I doubt the hardware would last 20 years and eventually it’ll become hard to source parts as the popularity falls off, even if you could repair it yourself. I’m sure anything with an online dependency will not work either, but offline games have a chance.

    But the real question is would you want to use the switch in 20 years (or honestly, even today)? There is already a better alternative (steam deck) with a much more open platform with way more capabilities and I believe it can already emulate Nintendo games (although no first hand experience with that)

    I have a switch myself and would never recommend it to anyone personally.

  • Your isp can most likely tell which VPN you’re using (unless you also use tor, and even then there’s the theories that a lot of it is ran by law enforcement… depends on how paranoid you are), they will still see the quantity of traffic coming from your home to the VPN and vice versa. All they need to do is to check the IP and they’ll likely find it’s in use by … VPN service.

    As long as using a VPN is not illegal in your country you can pay for it however you want really (in some places paying with crypto may make it more suspicious than if you just paid for it through PayPal), if law enforcement really wanted to find out the VPN service you use they probably could, the payment would only make it a tiny bit easier.

    The key point as mentioned multiple times is to use one you trust, there’s no objectively best one, but you’ll find a lot of objectively bad ones (for privacy) if you research them. As a start just never use any which are sponsoring YouTube videos or blog articles, pretty much all of those are crap.

  • VPNs usually route your DNS through them as well, sometimes to other DNS servers but sometimes they just send them to your original DNS server but through the VPN, kinda up to your VPN config - all of the vpn services I’ve used to date did this, although they were all reputable ones. I’d not recommend to use a questionable VPN though.

    Dnssec only verifies authenticity of the server and the integrity of the data, so it helps to prevent man-in-the-middle of DNS, it doesn’t provide privacy. Look into DNS over Https (DoH) instead. It provides e2e encryption for your DNS traffic which achieves what dnssec does, but also gives you privacy. DNS over TLS (DoT) also does this, but it runs on a different port so it’s easier to block (e.g. if your isp decided they don’t like private DNS), while with DoH your DNS traffic looks the same as other web traffic - and afaik it can’t be blocked. As above, it’s likely this is not needed for use with a VPN, but I’d recommend looking into in general for use even when not on the VPN. Things like controld or nextdns can give you even more peace of mind (although read up on their policies for yourself)

  • If they forced the maintainer of some FOSS software to merge in some code, even if the maintainer isn’t even allowed to speak about it eventually someone would notice (since open source), fork the project and just cherry pick out their crap. Then it’s whack-a-mole of trying to keep people from multiplying it.

    Or they could claim the software is illegal and have no way to enforce that either.

    So basically as long as said software is useful for more than a handful of people, it’s infeasible to try to enforce it (e.g. see how it goes every time some software gets a cease and desist, they end up even more popular than before)