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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Just be careful actually using that international data for too long cause I used it when I took a semester abroad and they shut off my data and account access literally on the day of my flight back home and kept billing me for months after when I didn’t have access to my account to cancel billing for my (non-)service. They say the majority of your service should be spent in the US but they don’t actually define anywhere what that means to them. They just tell you one day that you’re shit out of luck and not eligible for service anymore (including domestically).

    None of their support people were able to help by turning my service back on long enough to get back to the states or even just telling me how to get back into good standing. The only thing they were able to tell me is why it was shut off.

    Anyways if you do need international data, airalo was really reasonably priced and easy to set up. Came in clutch. Fuck google up the ass for leaving me stranded like that.

  • Originally, it was being a child and not having any money of my own, and my mom getting out her wallet to enter card information on a website she had no previous knowledge of, for something she would never use personally, was a whole… thing that I can probably count on my hands the number of times it actually happened. So I stopped even asking and figured it out myself.

    Edit: also, we had netflix but sometimes the shows I wanted to keep up with were still airing and I couldn’t wait.

    Now, I just don’t think any company that would take my money in exchange for, generally temporary, access to media/software really deserves or needs my money all that much, and especially not more than I do. I also strongly resent that there is not a public and legal domain for things that are older than like 5 or 10 years and not actively being worked on.

  • Session buddy was a big one for me in college when I had an overwhelming number of tabs open but didn’t want to forget about what was on them. Basically just archives all your open tabs to a single page you can refine and look back at, so you can quickly just close everything and start fresh without actually losing anything meaningful or cluttering up your bookmarks.

    The marvellous suspender helped prevent those tabs from using so much memory. Chrome hogs enough memory as it is lol.

    I have one called tab manager plus which looks handy but I honestly forgot it was there before I ever actually used it lol

  • No, no. You’re giving them too much credit. All it took for the likes of Tim Pool to decry DEI is that the pilot at the time of incident with the door plug was a woman. He wondered aloud if she “pressed the wrong button” and the airline “deleted the flight recordings to cover it up” as if theres some door ejector button on board and as if both boeing and the airline wouldn’t be tripping over themselves to pass the blame off on an incompetent pilot if given even a sliver of an opportunity to do so.

    All Chick-fil-A had to do was hire a VP with DEI in their title. Bud light simply gifted a can to a trans person with their picture on it. Target just sold a modest bathing suit for adults just with a wider gusset and mild binding effect as an ideal option for trans wearers.

    No, all you would need is something like this:

    Just THINK about how many diversity licenses they’re handing out these days!! How many hoodlum thugs and women with no business driving are out there sharing the road with you, just waiting to kill you in an accident? We all know they can’t drive! How many of them got the chance to screw up at the factory where they BUILT your CAR??? Or “fixing” the roads! Everyone knows they don’t build em like they used to and that the roads are crap… and it’s all because of the wokes and their silly DEI!!

    No actual logic or policy required. Bald-faced fear mongering is plenty enough to rile them up. Anything to redirect the blame for societal enshittification to identity politics instead of the obvious conclusions of capitalism falling into an unmitigated death spiral.

  • Right cause I think having both having access to normie content and giving normies access to fediverse content is a positive thing if we can balance out the power dynamic with meta. Blocking threads content would just defeat the purpose imo, it would prevent people from leaving threads for the fediverse because they wont be able to get the same content. If threads has it all and fediverse doesn’t, most people are just going to go to/stay at threads. It could backfire.

    Maybe if instances could allow meta users to see their posts to pique their interest/gain exposure, but meta users have to join any other instance in order to interact? Kind of like an ad I guess but UI native and unpaid. Though I’m really not sure if the fediverse platform would even support such things in the first place, and if meta couldn’t just fire back with the same thing. It’s just the first thing that comes to mind.

    The fediverse’s number one issues right now as I see it are accessibility and content density. I get the concerns people have with EEE but I also struggle not to see this as handling that last E (exterminate) ourselves just to spite meta. I want to join threads just to see what my friends and everyday people are posting, and I’d really like those people to join the fediverse so I can interact with them here. The only things keeping me away from threads however are privacy concerns and supporting meta, so being able to see the same content on a different instance might just be the best of both worlds.