• 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2020


  • Hiding read posts means they’re now lost (when you’re logged in) if you didn’t save the link somewhere. Can’t find it after a day and now you have to check it on incognito.

    But if you don’t hide posts you’ve already read, you end up with the same posts on your feed.

    it’s a very small nitpick though. having new posts load every time I visit lets me see a lot of new content, I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

    I hope some app devs can put up a section for “read posts” locally so instances aren’t overwhelmed.

  • it’s always either a hit or a miss. The player UI really needs to show if the instance you’re streaming from is online and working or not. Otherwise, you just keep waiting for the loading to complete, but it never does and you go the the preference to check and the instance isn’t up anymore. You change it back to another instance, go back to the player, check again and change instance again until it works. Then sometime later the same thing happens again.

    Newpipe mostly always works and is good enough for me.

  • These articles are very easy to write and you can see how emotional people get. You don’t need proof and it always works.

    Everytime there’s an article about what “China/Russia/India/North Korea/or Whatever Says”, social media goes:

    haha, so fake!

    fake news

    imagine believing this

    propaganda bs

    where’s the proof?

    we only believe in hard facts

    no credibility

    chinese/russian bots brigading lmao


    And then whenever there is “US Says”

    so true

    I know someone who knows someone who was doing this

    I had a gut feeling about this

    The boogeyman is real

    They’re stealing our tech

    They’re coming for us

    We have to renounce them

    They’re destroying our economy

    Enemy #1

    They’re ruining our western values

    US is numba 1

    NO FUCKING PROOF REQUIRED!! Anyone questions?

    why would they release the evidence, it’s classified

    I mean fuck all authoritarian regimes, but it’s funny to see how social media (especially in US) reacts to these articles and riles them up. Also great for election season.

    Standard hypocrisy from propaganda rotted brains at work

  • I don’t think you see the difference, Aaron was downloading the data off of MIT servers himself, he was not facing charges for writing the scripts.

    From your link:

    The Justice Department’s press release announcing Aaron’s indictment suggests the true motivation for pursuing the case was that Aaron downloaded academic literature from JSTOR and planned to make it available to the public for free as a political statement about access to knowledge.


    Tools that can be used maliciously are generally allowed because they have legitimate uses, using them to gain access or otherwise harm a computer system or network without authorization is criminal.

    As I said before, Beeper users are gaining unauthorized access, not Beeper. It is E2EE, they’re not the middleman.

  • Apple reverse-engineered Office to release iWork. So Apple isn’t new to reverse-engineering others proprietary shit when it benefits them. something, something, history lesson, hmm…

    I don’t know laws in the US but my limited understanding in the case of Beeper is that its users are the ones that grant themselves unauthorized access to the Apple servers. Beeper is a tool that packages pypush to accomplish it. So Apple should sue all the Beeper users?

    As an example, there are tons of tools to exploit vulnerable systems in Linux. Metasploit is a penetration testing software and can execute exploits on old unpatched systems. I don’t think anyone is suing Metasploit developers for Computer Fraud and Abuse aCt. The users who use it are responsible for the access of unauthorized services and broken ToS.

    If Apple thinks Beeper users are exploiting its servers, they should patch them (which they did).

    Beeper did try to monetize it, so i’m not sure how it fairs but Beeper is not forcing anyone to gain unauthorized access. Beeper even welcomed Apple to audit Beeper mini code.

    And I’m sure Beeper has a legal team that analyzed these scenarios better than anyone of us. And Apple has sued companies for less. They’d have done it the moment the app landed on appstore. They could have crushed it before gaining any attention.

    Again, I have no idea how legal it is. I have both Apple and android devices and never use iMessage. But you gotta hand it to Beeper devs. That’s some old school hacker shit and I’m here for it.

    I guess we’ll have to wait and see.