Developer and refugee from Reddit

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • If it’s personal behavior, there is no line.

    Seriously, we need to internalize this: If you support Donald Trump in 2024 at this point, there is no goddamn line. There is nothing too atrocious or puerile or insulting to his own base that he could do or say to lose them at this point. He owns them.

    I used to joke that he could literally eat a baby live on stage at one of his rallies and not lose supporters, because he’d insist it was fake news even as the blood dripped down his chin.

    It’s not a joke anymore. He really could do it, and far too many of his supporters would believe him over their own lying eyes.

    Trump support, at this point, is a mental health crisis in this country.

  • This isn’t a case of No True Scotsman. There really is a right way and a whole lot of wrong ways to do Agile development. Any team that calls itself an Agile team that doesn’t actually follow the processes properly is doing it wrong and will fail.

    That doesn’t mean any team that’s doing it right will succeed, but it’s like riding a horse: If you only climb halfway up the horse and try to hold on while at a 90-degree angle, it’s not going to work, and it would be stupid to declare that the concept of horse-riding is broken. No, it’s not broken, you’re just an idiot who thought you could ride a horse while only halfway up, clinging desperately to its side.

  • Wow. This is… wow. OK, look… I like the sentiment, the idea that healthy relationships in general should be depicted more often, but can you name the last ten shows or movies you watched that feature healthy depictions of LGBTQ+ relationships? I can, because those depictions are so rare they stand out. I can’t name the last ten shows or movies I watched with straight relationships in them, because that’s literally all of them. Yes, including the ones that also depicted LGBTQ+ relationships.

    There needs to be more healthy representation of relationships. But specifically straight ones? Nah… We’re saturated with those enough already.