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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I completely agree - the party is absolutely wretched on a fundamental level and needs to be voted out of relevance. Like I replied to another comment here, however, it sounds like the guy being quoted here (not the gay Republican candidate) is just some guy speaking out against the hate in his party. From the limited context given in the article, he’s not doing it because of anyone in his personal life (though that could turn out to be the case). There’s obviously some cognitive dissonance there for him to think he’s going to change their minds, but I give him credit for even trying.

  • Generally I’d agree, but the guy being quoted here isn’t the candidate in question. From what we know in the article he isn’t gay himself (though it’s certainly possible), nor does it mention anything about people he personally knows being gay. Given only the context of the article, it sounds like he’s genuinely just standing up for gay folks despite what his party overwhelmingly preaches. If that’s indeed the case I think he deserves credit. And like I said, I hope this leads him toward realizing that his party is a lost cause for genuinely compassionate people and that he should take this opportunity to jump ship.

  • To give this dude credit, from the rest of the quote in the article it sounds like he’s genuinely standing up against this sort of hate, and I expect it’s at a very tangible personal cost. I find it almost unbelievable that anyone who genuinely opposes hate of a sort that’s become a part of the absolute fabric of modern conservatism could still be a Republican, but apparently this dude is the exception. I hope he has the sense to get out now, but I’ll take what genuine progress I can get given I’ve largely written off most conservatives as a lost cause.

  • Great article, but:

    “A user-friendly distribution like Ubuntu can be an excellent choice for individuals wary of privacy and ethical issues surrounding AI,” says Taylor. “It provides a robust and user-friendly environment that minimizes the tracking and data collection you’d typically encounter with macOS or Windows.”

    It’s been quite a few years since I used desktop Ubuntu, but I remember the Unity DE back then being not so user-friendly, at least for someone coming from the Windows paradigm. I’ve heard (but could be misinformed) that it’s gotten even more opinionated over the years. Something like Mint is likely to be a better option for a first-time user.

    Also, I wish the article had mentioned Proton. It states that you may have to be willing to abandon certain games, but that’s far from the reality these days. At least through Steam nearly everything works right out of the box just by enabling Proton.