Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • That place is a shithole. I stand by it.

    And thats your right. I dont object to that.

    I‘m saying thats not a general rule for these or any mods/admins. I have personally had discussions with them and with some I‘m not on the best of terms. Yet I haven’t been banned anywhere from posting. Furthermore, i have seen a lot of posts and comments „just pointing out“ stuff and using derogatory words and populist language. I cant say I‘d watch that indefinitely myself.

    Btw stating a rule as a ban reason does not seem suspicious to me. Feel free to disagree.

  • I agree that if that happened (which I dont have the time nor the nerve atm) its very scary.

    Most likely, as always on the internet, the truth is they have certain beliefs which are problematic and triggering, and they are programmers, not weathered social workers who can solve heated conflicts.

    And then comes the most important part: they have not engaged in these alleged practices all the time so it is likely that bad coincidences came together and brought on the perfect storm on them/us.

    I stand by my initial statement. We can condemn the actions, we can harshly disagree on ideology but we should refrain from dehumanizing them.

    Have a good one. :)

  • I agree with you on both accounts. Their preferred choices arent the same as pronouns and I think both authoritarian ideologies are similar and dangerous.

    My point was solely that namecalling, derogatory words or slurs arent doing anything for anyone. They‘re just helping others hate us and us do unspeakable things to them and vice versa.

    Dehumanizing is a precursor for genocide for a reason and that is why I think its a bad idea. Of course its just my opinion and I‘m perfectly fine if you disagree with it.

  • If that’s not worthy of a derogatory term then what is?

    Nothing is. Shaming and harassing others is not the solution. Instead we should let them advocate for whatever their ideal is. The same we let nazis have their own little „reich“ in their own homes. If they start breaking rules they get the same backlash as anyone else. Dont make it about „identity“.

    Its dehumanizing and leads to hate and violence. Same as with psychopaths, narcissists, pedophiles, etc. These people are living creatures just as we are. Some of them are sick, some of them are dangerous. That does not mean they can be treated as lesser.

  • To be fair I did have a decent run in with some mods on .ml as well and I am not a fan of their practices.

    I do however think the public shaming and calling for boycott is so wrong its not even funny. We‘re still talking about the people who made this here possible. Especially the derogatory use of the word „tankie“ is unacceptable imo.

    I‘d prefer if people started debates and tried to find common ground instead. For the reason of decentralization I would like less popular „versions“ of the communities to thrive.

  • Everything is more complex as youtube because youtube has spent billions to make you get sucked in and make it easy to stay on the page.

    Peertube is foss software and needs to be improved by a small number of paid devs and normal people like you and me.

    You dont make a peertube account just like a youtube or google account. You can use mastodon for that and also subscribe to channels that way. It needs better documentation though. Feel free to ask if you need further assistance.

  • there is a big difference between them holding onto the purse and them being able to put walls of paper in front of anyone trying to access it. The more transparent and voted over publicly that is, the more it should actually function.

    Strongly disagree

    Help me here. My understanding is that you can dual license something, for example agpl (not ever to be taken closed source) and a pay for it if you want to build something proprietary with it, no? Let me know what real world example would spell doom here.

  • Thats valuable insight. Thank you.

    I‘d like to point out that the bureucrats are a different problem we need go get rid of as well. It does not mean the idea of publicly funding this stuff is bad. I think the reason why bureaucracy takes over is lack of public oversight and influence by the people.

    If you take sidestreets of law (ie bancruptcy law in some countries) you will find yourself in the wild west because only a small fraction of people ever has to take this road. The people in charge behave like warlords because normal people dont know and care.

    But yes, people should dual license their shit so that corpos have to pay for it.