This is my first time hearing this saying as well being a yank and all. Anyways, I currently work for a company that had a meeting with biscuits (doughnuts) and pretty much everyone that showed up was let go. Those that by chance had something else to do, dodged the shady way to fire people. Legal issues insu no. Needless to say doughnuts are not common around here and when they do get brought in this event always gets brought up.
Leave it to corporate America to pervert something that is supposed to be nice.
Sand to wafers… Fortunately, there is no shortage of raw material. Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust, comprising about 26% and exceeded only by oxygen at 49%. But silicon does not occur naturally in the pure form needed for electronic applications, for which it must contain less than one in a billion non-silicon atoms. The starting material really is sand. Not just any sand, but silica sand, specially quarried for this purpose and having concentrations of quartz (silicon dioxide) as high as 95%.