smoothbrain coldtakes

why would you take anything you see on the internet seriously?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • There are easier ways to spy on your employees. This is not cost-effective.

    I use Zoom for work now and each call can be several gigabytes large, depending on resolution of shared materials and a few other factors. If you want to save that kind of stuff long term, you have to pay to keep it somewhere. If you multiply several gigabytes over a few dozen calls a day, you’re going to end up with terabytes of garbage you need to store. Zoom also informs you of when a recording is starting and active, offering for you to leave the call or otherwise implicitly agree to being recorded. You have to pay for all these things because there’s a significant amount of processing power involved. It’s not like it’s free to run facial recognition and speech recognition.

    When I did contract work for Apple support, the spying was way more efficient than just listening to my calls. My supervisor could literally always see my monitor through the chat program we had installed. There’s all kinds of remote software for things like this. If an admin wants to see you misuse your equipment, they have easier ways of finding out than sifting through calls to find wrongthink.

  • If somebody can’t moderate their instance in any kind of way that’s impacting other parts of the federation, it makes sense to defederate until they fix their problems.

    I don’t think anybody should have open signups. It’s literally just an invitation to mess with the rest of us who are federated with the instance.

  • I wish everything was a bit more standardized between kbin/mbin/Lemmy. It feels like we have these forks of the project that do different things because they emulate different behaviors of other sites, and reaching parity seems difficult without a lot of developer discussion.

    I like a few things about kbin but for a while it was the instance causing the most spam on my feed because federated mod actions broke and spam cleaned up locally would not get cleaned on other instances. I saw Ernest back posting again so I guess development has resumed and some of those issues have been banged out.