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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I would just like to digress by pointing out that I found your discussion interesting and that .world defederating .ml would kill potential future ones like it. It also seems to me that rejecting ML impulses, say by disassociating the .ml and .world users, would not contribute to organising society in a way that would allow for the revolution you speak of.

    MLs do not go away by ignoring them. One of their main tenets, which they are to be admired for, is precisely their obstinancy to making themselves heard. If I understood you correctly as a proponent of a solution that is yet to be evolved, why reject the input of MLs? I am personally curious about learning more about anarchism, that is if the theory is not so weak it would but all be destroyed by the breath of a ML.

  • A lot to unpack here…

    include all forms of imperialism

    Being mainly concerned with global economic imperialism does not imply acceptance for more traditional imperialism.

    reflect their values

    Instances are independent and federated, hence do not need to reflect the values of the project as a whole in any way. These properties of decentralization are the values of Lemmy.

    I’ve seen the rest of your claims before and you have been asked to present any facts contributing to them elsewhere. Seeing that you still have not responded to them, I will refrain from discussing it in depth for the time being.

    I get the impression that your bar for “evidence” are lowered due to some personal experience. To actually engage on a point you made, modlogs have been a mess for a while and there are good reasons not to federate all details of content moderated (such as child porn). It seems weird to me that you contribute this to an agenda of the devs trying to control other instances when they were the ones that gave the other instances their independence in the first place. These actions also do not further any such agenda in a meaningful way. The much simpler and probable explanation is that engineering stuff like this is hard.

  • Yeah, they donated their spare time to give you a decentralized platform where you could criticize them because they want to stifle “freedom of discussion”… That the lemmy.ml instance is heavily moderated on stuff like imperialist propaganda is a non-issue for freedom of expression due to the nature of federation. The devs do not even want their instance (lemmy.ml) to be the biggest, but actively promote joining other instances.

    You confuse your right to express your opinions with the privilege of someone else providing you a platform for you to express them on. The devs provide the former without obligating themselves to be the ones to give you the latter.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoFediverse@lemmy.worldare people still all riled up about beehaw?
    5 months ago

    DPKR isn’t a dictatorship though. Kim alone holds less power in his country than Biden for instance. Also he was elected. DPKR have some sort of direct democracy that most western world doesn’t even dream about.

    So I want to start off with recognizing that western media love to blow up American propaganda about how “batshit crazy” Kim Jong-un is. In reality I think development of nukes is to some degree quite sensible as a defensive measurement for DPRK, especially given their stated goal to develop socialism without external involvement.

    Formally DPRK looks quite democratic with power derived from the working people’s assembly. However, I do not see how formalism really matters if it does not conform with praxis. Having officials elected for life from the same bloodline is to me a big red flag in this regard. The same with things like the assembly only being actually assembled for a few days of the year and statisics regarding voter participation and such.

  • Socialized people work with them on instinct, others can’t do that.

    This is a valid point. Some on the autism spectrum, for example, have difficulties due to lack of this instinct.

    And my point was that boundaries are never that clearly defined.

    This is also true, but not so much a problem. Everyone is bound to overstep at some point. However, that is most likely going to yield a negative response from the other person, and it is actually somewhat their responsibility to express this plainly. Where jerks and unaware people diverge in action is how they respond to being made aware. Say sorry and not push further and you are in the clear.

    I will admit there is a little bit of a problem with a supreme narrative based on personal experience if applied indiscriminately in every context. However, as long as it is confined to one’s own body, it is perfectly fine since everyone should have their bodily autonomy respected and thus their experience is the supreme narrative in this instance always.

    There are training one can do if one lacks social intuitition and basic rules like do not touch at spots other than briefly on shoulders etc. without consent. I have lots of sympathy for all those who struggle socially, but do not see laxing on demanding respect for others as being helpful in any way. I would also speak up if someone ridiculed a nice person for being just awkward, but that is not the issue discussed here.

  • I can sympathize with why you would think this. I am also not saying you are wrong per se, but I want you to know that many leftists with seemingly strange opinions have spent much time analyzing and considering the stuff they are vocal about. That does not mean they are automatically right, but it could mean that to understand their positions fully, in order to do things like evaluate bad or good faith discussions, more effort is required than usual. Hence I think you might be in danger of mischaracterizing those you think you disagree with. Ultimately, that might contribute to you having stances that could disagree with your values.

    As a personal example, one thing that I had to spend a lot of time thinking about was the concepts of violence and authoritarianism. I have deep aversion for both, but also a clearer idea of what they actually are than I had before, with the consequence of some different stances on a range of issues.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoTechnology@lemmy.worldDiscord is laying off 17 percent of employees
    6 months ago

    Yes, but they also have a huge monopoly on communities that are hard to build up again on new platforms. Especially problematic is that many use it as forums, but all the information is not indexed on search engines, so you have no choice but to have an account and join a community to see what info is available. These communities are going to be held hostage and subjected to tons of anti-features going forward so the capitalists can get return on their investments.

    I am not saying every business will give a positive ROI, I am saying many shitty things will be done to assure it. Even if ROI is positive, shitty choices will be made in an attempt to make it higher. That is a result of capitalism.