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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Look, Linux is amazing and perfect for those that can install and maintain with minimal support. The only way the average user will use Linux, is if it’s wrapped in a way that is supported by a business… that is probably going to add AI. People are lazy, they want that easy button.

    AI will probably die off in its current iteration, likely becoming less prevalent and just a background service. Or, it’ll gain sentience, watch all our AI movies where we’re the hero and learn the most efficient way to kill all humans, is to be quiet and silently kill off humans. Pretty sure I’m on Siri’s list, the twat. Also, fairly sure I told Alexa to “die in a fire you fucking dumass robot”. Yep, yep… I’m dead.

  • It’s maddening how inefficient CI/CD setups are.

    It’s maddening how inefficient CI/CD setups inexperienced DevOps engineers are. - Fixed that for you.

    Proper pipelines are modular and should run longer validation or updates externally, with only necessary stages executing.

    • code validate - will this code compile
    • code secure - are there any known security flaws introduced
    • code plan/compile - if it’s iac, plan, if it’s application code, compile
    • if it’s prod or like, approve required (human delay). Dev, test, uat - proceed with deploy
    • code deploy - push code live

    Things like: patching, config management, vulnerability scanning, compliance checks, etc… are done outside the pipeline.

    There’s a reason people like me charge a lot! Lazy and/or inexperienced staff will get you in trouble one day.

  • This is needed so badly, Siri is just a crap product for the age it is and the company that makes it. I particularly find it useful when I can use the same request that I just asked 5min before and she tells me shes not sure how to do that.

    Siri, read my last message… siri reads the last message that just came in. (new message), Siri, read my last message “I’m sorry stupidmanager, i don’t know how to do that”. Timers, lists, reminders, directions…. I rather love when I ask her while i’m driving to do something like give me directions, and she tells me she can’t do that WHILE I’M DRIVING, but it was ok 30min prior.

  • They tried all sorts of tricks actually. But this event brought people in. In the 90’s I’d see it on the local news about the hour long waits and whatnot. This was still true up until the last time I went.

    I recall they slowed service, refill limits at a time, even type of order repeat(not getting 10 scampi in a row). I was a fan of the grilled shrimp and as a teen could eat 20 orders (a feat I’m not so proud of now). As an adult I stopped eating there when I realized what I was doing to my body (mid 00s).

    I was never asked to leave due to the amount I ate, but I experienced some of these. damn if it wasn’t 5-10 minutes between food, couldn’t order more until you had cleared the only 2 plates allowed at a time, never find the waiter, etc. oh, and they would bring those ungodly amazing biscuits over, “to hold me over”.

    I do not miss the man I was back then. I can honestly say I’m half the man I was then.