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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I mean yeah… if he had a solution they would be actually have the revolutionary AI tool the tech writers write about.

    It’s kinda written like a “gotcha” but it’s really the fundamental problem with AI. We call it hallucinations now but a few years ago we just called it being wrong or returning bad results.

    It’s like saying we have teleportation working in that we can vaporize you on the spot but are just struggling to reconstruct you elsewhere. “It’s halfway there!”

    Until the AI is trustworthy enough to not require fact checking it afterwards it’s just a toy.

  • It’s actually not saying that at all. I specifically said that I expected her to dislike it.

    The rest of us, less emotionally invested in the person as a person and more as a deceased performer, will have differing opinions.

    The creators of this and articles around it keep referring to it as an impression that speaks to their motives a little. This is why i used that common colloquialism. I suspect that the timing of this may be motivated by recent news surrounding the actors’ strikes.

    Demonstrating how this could be used to convincingly create content from an actor without any of their intentional input (evident by him being dead) should make people question these capabilities more, just like they did when people first started seeing convincing deep fakes.