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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I understand that, but from my personal experience, this is not more stable because companies like these will fire a chunk of their workforce without batting an eye for the slightest shift in the market, whereas a self-employed person will just see a slight decline in demand. Also, the difference in income more than makes up for the perceived stability. Sure it isn’t for everyone, but as a consumer, I’d rather most of the money I pay won’t go to corporate executive’s multi-million dollar salary, but to the people actually providing the service.

  • 100%, when I was in middle school and highschool I was regularly called gay for not liking football, or not knowing random car facts, or not liking spicy food, and other stuff like that. It was much better in university, but it was in a different region so I can’t compare directly.

    Interestingly, one of these bullies came out as gay 10 years later, which I find sad that someone had so much internalised self hatred that he had to project it outwards to feel better about himself.

    I don’t know what middle/high schools are like today since I don’t know anyone in that age range, but I bet it’s much better now with today’s internet culture being much more queer positive.