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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • All parsers ignore a shitload of whitespace already. Just compare unformatted code, COMPLETELY unformatted code, code without character returns, and it’ll become obvious how any given language is interpreted around whitespace.

    Also fun to see just how infrequent a semicolon is ‘actually’ needed to tell when the end of a statement is here.

  • Logical errors are an entire domain of programmer troubleshooting. All you’ll have to do is attempt to learn programming, and you WILL write something that throws no errors, performs terribly, and confuses you for hours.

    We all do. It’s almost a badge of honor to push past a few of them.

    Hell, sometimes it happens when no one has made an error but a particular mix of data or odd arrangement of hardware it ends up running on hits an undiscovered edge case that buggers things up.

  • No you fucking numpty, defending the unlicensed use of someones’ image or the commercial use of AI art IS DEFENDING RICH PEOPLE, you fucking moron.

    Who has access to the AI for commercial use? It’s not you or me. It’s the billionairs. If you defend not requiring licensing laws to be honored, that HELPS THE PEOPLE WHO CAN STEAL. Who can steal more if you make it legal? You, some numpty on a laptop typing prompts in to Bard? Or the corporations that fucking OWN Bard et. al.??

    You are defending something that helps rich shysters, not defending some small shop.