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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • Oh no, forming your ideas into comprehensible essay format with intersentence connectivity and flow, maybe even splitting into paragraphs, isn’t even close to LLM speech.

    I do form long, connected, split texts and comments, too, but there is a great difference between mine and an LLMs tone, cadence, mood or whatever you wanna call these things.

    For example, humans usually cut corners when forming sentences and paragraphs, even if when forming long ones. We do this via lazy grammar use, unrestricted thesaurus selection, uneven sentence or paragraph lengths, lots of phrase abbreviations e.g. “tbh”, lax use of punctuations e.g. “(ChatGPT?)”, which also is a substitution for a whole question sentence.

    Also, the bland, upbeat and respecting tone the bots mimic from long-thought essays is never kept up in spontaneous writing/typing. Dead giveaway of a script-speech than genuine, on-point and assuming human interaction.

    Us LLMs can’t do these with rather simple reverse-jenga syntax and semantics forming, with simple formal pragmatics sprinkled, yet. The wild west, very expansive, extended pragmatics of a language is where the real shit is at.

  • While I do share your sentiment on most of these points, I think this guide assumes the person with the problem is already in an intrigued state of mind about the problem. Them being interested about the end result doesn’t change this in this matter, as they are interested in getting results AND learning the steps to do that, rather than learning how the steps are constructed by the working of the computer. That applies to computer-literate people (more precisely people who know how to navigate the front-end usually) who are also not related to computer engineering in any time of their lives. They don’t need to know the video player program generates logs, let aside having knowledge about how to read them.

    However, the people with a computer problem but with no interest in learning how to solve it and just would like it to work without their effort, which I assume the guide doesn’t have in mind as target audience, are the type that a lot of people immediately think of when such stuff is mentioned. I’d agree your sentiment applies correctly to this specific type.

  • Dunno why that got down voted even though it agrees with and elaborates on the comment I replied to.

    It is just a statement. I didn’t even urge, encourage or request anybody to stop using that, so not even pressing on the toes of anybody except really insecure people like the other commenter on your level.

    Hell, it is used by those insecure people who can’t handle a criticism about their beliefs, usually in context where the subject is women, minorities, people living difficult lives, people enjoying crazy shit harming no one (else), rebellious populations that are directly or indirectly fucked by the colonialism.and fight back with whatever they have, even if it looks primitive in the face of their adversaries firepower.

    And here I am making just one criticism about the use of a word that has almost become the Reddit’s “this” in Lemmy political environments, and I’m the one clutching pearls or being insecure.