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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I got in one private tracker and I like that system a lot. I seed my torrents for years because I don’t do a ton of very popular stuff, and I like some older shows. Like The Mentalist season packs on TG are at like a 30:1 for me because not many others seed them.

    However, the private tracker doesn’t use standard naming which sometimes fucks up searches and *arr, also, there are barely any seeders or leechers so a lot of media is hit or miss both downloading and uploading. Of the 50 or so things that I downloaded since I got on, 1 has a positive seed ratio, so thank mods for duration seed points…

  • The thing is, you can ONLY have a conversation with extremely like minded people. If you are not tip-of-the-left authoritarian, you are called a filthy lib and shunned.

    Sadly it just suffers the same syndrome as that conservative sub on reddit: “Anyone who doesn’t agree with me on every important and semi important point is literally the same as my worst enemy and I will fill their inbox with insults”

    I disagreed with the way they often brigade posts and they said I was “indiscernible from the racist, fascist party” from my country. Like they went through the effort of looking up where I was from and the political parties there to find the most right wing one to name call and insult me with lol. That says a lot about the community culture, in my opinion.

    It also has heavy Russian apologist content. Like, I even understand that MLs love China and excuse everything they do, but Russia is literally an right wing oligarchy with no health care and crippled social benefits that is led by an extreme right wing authoritarian fascist. I get that they are China’s ally by the enemy-of-my-enemy principle, but that doesn’t mean they are automatically good.

  • They don’t want people to innovate. Innovation is a buzzword that they use to market themselves as something other than parasites.

    Most companies want to safely follow market trends to suck away large profit margin with minimal payout to workers. If they make a product that doesn’t work, they just assert that it does and that the customer is wrong.

    That’s also why they intentionally quiet fire seniors like in the article. They don’t give a fuck about quality or innovation. They want the cheapest labor possible while hiking service/product pricing.

    They don’t want employees to be happy. They want them to be cheap and exploitable.

    That is literally the base form of businesses in the flawed reality of capitalism.

  • The US (mostly the trending fascist party) does whatever possible to make sure the least amount of people possible get the opportunity to vote and for the people who do vote, make sure their vote does not count as much as possible. It also varies per state.

    • not giving out a national identification card, but then requiring an identification card to vote

    • voting districts with crazy borders to make absolute certain that the far right gets the most representatives possible https://www.maproomblog.com/xq/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/wapost-gerrymander-1024x687.jpg

    • reducing the amount of voting centers every year in areas like major cities that vote more left so that the people would have to travel an hour or more to vote and without a car, it is almost impossible

    • Voting is not a public holiday and many states do not allow voting by mail. Combined with the before point removes many poor people’s ability to vote at all

    • there is a right wing effort to remove as many left leaning votors as possible from registration for minor errors

    • Armed party members at elections recently to intimidate voters, especially if they “look like the left demographic”

    • the “electoral college” which can just decide to not cast the vote that actually decides elections for the candidates that the citizens voted for

    It is really batshit crazy over there. It seems like the right gets away with all of this crazy stuff and then when the left is back in power, almost nothing is done to change it back with regards to voting.