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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Do you really need that ?

    Self hosting means you have outside your phone your real vault and the phone is just connecting to it to refresh its local data.

    I’ve setup my vaulwarden in my local network kit’s the local bitwarden server i use), my phone, tablet or simple webbrowser can connect to it when i’m home via the classic bitwarden (with self hosting parameters).

    If i travel, i have just to start my openVpn session and connect to my home but it’s only needed if I want to update something (the encrypted cache it’s enough for consulation). If I have nothing to change, no need to have a vpn. I just use the cached data.

    If my phone is stolen the data are safe (cache is encrypted, source is not on the phone). I revoke the vpn access by precaution and move one. No sms scenario needed here.

    You only need to have a backup phone or computer to setup your new access on the new phone.

    Edit: of course my vpn connection is protected by a passphrase so nobody can connect to my home network without me around. And the bitwarden app is also protected of course.

  • Switched to arch linux last november, didn’t had to launch my backup VM Win10 at all. I even managed to play at StarCitizen with better performance than under Win 10…

    Just wow the progress of Linux, Wine & co since my last linux try (Ubuntu, around 2010).

    I just need now to find a linux way for my music stack and all the VST (my steinberg usb card is recognized and play properly oO) and Windows will be history at home…

  • Indeed, you can achieve a better result with less verbose naming convention. And choose better variable name to make it obvious than 0 Hp is death. While i don’t like having too verbose variable name (as it impacts the readability and quick understanding of the function), i’m not against that for the function name… without going too far of course!

    Best is too have proper datamodeling of the object manipulated on top of some classic basic comments. Good interface contract is also a minimum. Best is to have full datamodeling of all the services, objects, in and out interactions between them, etc.

    Documentation is a mandatory piece of the code delivery (with tests being the other important part) far too much forgotten if you don’t enforce it on your teams.

  • it’s even worse.

    • he delayed the research of the site by providing wrong information (while he knew perfectly where the crashed plane was… because he walk to it to get the videos footage)
    • payed an helicopter to extract the plane scrape to a secret location (while ntsb was still looking for the crash site)
    • then destroyed the evidence, so the ntsb could not perform any checks

    i could add also that he had a fire extinguisher hide in his pant (to be able to access the footage if the plane was still on fire i presume), the original motor was may be replaced before the crash, the plane door was not properly lock (to facilitate his jump)… ha and yes, he had a jumpsuit (no fitting a normal pilot activity)…

    Well, all of that was badly done. He’s a piece of shit that should never flight again.