• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Reddit banned me through IP address or something. Whatever new account i create will be banned within 24hrs even if i don’t upvote a single post or comment. I tried with 10 new account all banned and all new email address. So gave up and randomly changed all my good comments. Shifted permanently to lemmy. Missing some of the most niche community. But not so much to return to reddit.

    Edit: I didn’t even commit any rule violation. Took a too long to change from modded reddit app. I only logged in once. That doesn’t amount to blocking me from every using reddit.

  • For batch converting ISOs to a specific resolution and format while preserving folder hierarchy on Linux, you can indeed use ffmpeg with a bash script. However, you might also consider using HandBrakeCLI, which is a command-line interface for HandBrake, a popular video transcoder.

    Here’s how you could use HandBrakeCLI to achieve your goal:

    1. Install HandBrakeCLI if you haven’t already:
    sudo apt-get install handbrake-cli
    1. Write a bash script to iterate through your directories, converting ISO files:
    # Set input and output directories
    # Convert ISOs to 720p h.265
    find "$input_dir" -name "*.iso" -type f | while read -r file; do
        handbrakecli --input "$file" --output "$output_dir/$output_file" --preset="Super HQ 720p30 Surround"

    Adjust the preset according to your needs. You can check available presets with HandBrakeCLI --preset-list.

    1. Make the script executable:
    chmod +x convert_iso.sh
    1. Run the script:

    This script will convert all ISO files in the specified input directory to 720p h.265 MP4 files using HandBrakeCLI while preserving the folder hierarchy.