/r/StarTrek founder and primary steward from 2008-2021

Currently on the board of directors for StarTrek.website

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Can you provide any examples of ads someone (maybe you?) received directly due to Apple’s policies and behavior? Totally serious question.

    If you use an iPhone and have app tracking transparency enabled then any targeted ads you’re seeing are almost certainly coming from data that Apple has collected from you.

    A few years back Apple made a big change to iOS that prevents user data from being sold to data brokers and ran a big ad campaign about how they are the good “privacy option”. But the reason they made the change was not to protect user privacy, but because Apple wanted the money that Facebook was getting from iPhone users. The same data is still being collected and sold, just by Apple now instead of Facebook. That was the crux of Facebook’s big lawsuit against Apple accusing them of anti-competitive practices.

  • Apple is one of the best Hardware companies out there for not selling your data.

    Don’t believe their ads, they are actually one of the worst!

    But the threat of Apple turning on its customers isn’t limited to China. While the company has been unwilling to spy on its users on behalf of the US government, it’s proven more than willing to compromise its worldwide users’ privacy to pad its own profits. Remember when Apple let its users opt out of Facebook surveillance with one click? At the very same time, Apple was spinning up its own commercial surveillance program, spying on Ios customers, gathering the very same data as Facebook, and for the very same purpose: to target ads. When it came to its own surveillance, Apple completely ignored its customers’ explicit refusal to consent to spying, spied on them anyway, and lied about it:

  • Enshitification was coined by Cory Doctrow specifically for the tech space

    You’re not wrong it was coined this way, but he has referred to the process in other arenas where monopolies exist:

    But it’s not just tech that faces the curse of bigness: your bank, your insurer, your beer company, the companies that make your eyeglasses and your athletic shoes — they’ve all run out of lands to conquer, but instead of weeping, they’re taking it out on you, with worse products that cost more.

    Enshittification follows monopoly as sure as night follows day.