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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


    • Your Device’s Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), - absolutely necessary for anti-ddos techniques
    • browser type, browser version, - necessary for UX to build a functional website for the browsers that customers actually use
    • the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, - critical for determining what is popular and what isn’t to improve how the interface is designed and what parts are pulled forward and what parts are hidden in menus
    • unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. - useful for determining how often you switch devices and the performance and other experience metrics to drive making the app more user friendly

    I work on web software professionally and this is a pretty minimal list that is completely justifiable for maintaining operations. If you can’t answer basic questions like “what are users doing with the app?”, you can’t make intelligent decisions about how to improve it.

    There’s a lot of the same stuff here: https://legal.lemmy.world/privacy-policy/

    I don’t know anything about this app or company so I’m not going to defend them, but there aren’t any real red flags here. If this amount of data collection bothers you, you really should stop using the internet in general.

  • Destin works for defense contractors and he’s never been shy about his interest and involvement in weaponry. He has a bible quote at the end of his videos. I seriously doubt I would agree with him about pretty much any politics and definitely not his personal beliefs, but he keeps his channel pretty strongly focused on the episode’s subject without bringing his personal views into it. He seems to do the channel because he likes geeking out about nerdy stuff and wants to share that love with others.

    I personally feel that the knowledge he’s sharing is more important than knowing we probably disagree on some things. If he starts including prayer time or turns his channel into military porn, I’m out. But his channel is a positive influence for now, IMO.

    Rober is different. He acts like cool science bro that worked for NASA and wants you to think he’s Bill Nye or something. But he seems to be doing it for views and to push the stuff he’s selling. He doesn’t seem genuine. He’s at risk of turning into a prank bro channel if his quality goes downhill.

  • We solve that problem using naming conventions. Branch names must start with the issue key (we use Jira). You don’t do anything in that branch that’s not part of that issue. If you do, you must prefix the commit message with the issue key that it goes with. The commit itself identifies what changed. The Jira issue provides all the backstory and links to any supporting materials (design docs, support tickets, etc). I have to do a lot of git archeology in my role, and this scheme regularly allows me to figure out why a code change was made years ago without ever talking to anyone.

  • As someone in the US, 40 hours per week is the minimum. Recognition for “being a hard worker” has required 60+ hours at some places I’ve worked. This is for a fixed salary and no overtime pay, mind you. Then you’re usually on an on call rotation every few weeks where you may have to work off-hours if something comes up. That’s additional unpaid hours. My current company pays $80,000 USD for new college grad software developers.

    US holidays are 8-10 days, and junior devs usually start with 5-10 days of vacation. Health insurance costs at least several hundred a month (your employer also pays about 3x more than you towards your insurance premium as a benefit).