Does anyone know of a service (ideally docker image - probably with app) that can be used to securely share family pictures?

The idea is, that some relatives don’t respect wishes of not posting to social media and to prevent this we want to securely share images they can look at but not do anything else with.

Even if I send an image to my mom and she knows not to post anywhere, maybe my aunt wants to see that picture, asks my mom to send it to her and then she posts it, without us knowing.

Probably only works with an app because a browser can’t block screenshots.

Is there anything like this out there? Doesn’t have to by anything special. Just a web backend for us to upload pictures and a client (probably through a URL) that can then browse them without allowing for screenshots, sharing, downloading, etc

  • Skull
    9 months ago

    Screenshots are easily defeated by the most basic of DRM. To get somewhat acceptable DRM you’ll need to lock out Linux users and such, but if you can screenshot DRM’d content, it’s because the service you’re using lets you.

    You can’t prevent people from taking pictures of screens, though. It’s just a question of “can the average pirate pull this off in an acceptable quality” and “how much effort will pirates put into ripping video this way”.

      9 months ago

      how much effort will pirates put into ripping video this way

      I have yet to find a video that was DRMd and couldn’t be found on high seas. The DRM is more inconvenient for the user who paid for the content than the actual pirate. It got to this point that I pay for Netflix and watch on pirate sites, because I don’t have to use a special browser on special os just to watch 1080p. Like what in the fuck?